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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time


NEW YORK — Speaking publicly for the first time in a Breitbart News video exclusive interview, a former local television news reporter from Arkansas claims she was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton on three separate occasions in 1980.

Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax.
After these alleged sexual assaults, Millwee claims, Clinton showed up at her apartment and knocked on her door for several minutes while trying to talk his way inside.  She says that Clinton departed after she purportedly refused to respond.
Millwee says she was thinking about coming out publicly around 1998, when the Monica Lewinsky scandal began to dominate the national conversation.  But at the time, she says she decided to remain quiet, in part fearing for her children after watching the way other Clinton sex accusers were treated by the Clintons and the news media.
Three of Millwee’s friends told Breitbart News that she told them in the late 1990’s that Clinton sexually assaulted her while she was a reporter and that the future president allegedly knocked on her apartment door.
Millwee claims the assaults took place in a small, isolated editing room at her now defunct station, KLMN-TV, which covered the Fort Smith/Fayetteville markets.  At the time Millwee reported under the assumed name Leslie Derrick.
As part of her job, Millwee says that she covered the so-called Cuban Refugee Crisis, which took place in 1980 when about 125,000 Cubans fled their homeland in boats and were allowed into the U.S.  By May 1980, about 20,000 refugees were housed at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas’s military base, creating security and law enforcement problems for then Governor Clinton with refugees rioting and escaping the compound.
Millwee says she interviewed Clinton about 20 times at various public events and at Fort Chaffee, and saw him inside the KLMN station.
She claims that when she was around him, Clinton singled her out with “inappropriate gestures,” and that he made flirtatious comments like, “Hey pretty girl. How are you today?” This went on, Millwee says, for several months.
Millwee claims that as part of his attempts to come on to her, Clinton gave her half of his tie and told her that she should give him more attention and hold onto the tie because one day he would be the U.S. president.
She also says that Clinton signed his name to a page on her reporter’s notebook that had her own name on it, writing “Clinton” directly above her name.
“And I said, ‘What are you doing? Giving me an autograph now?’ And he said, ‘No, I just wanted to show you how good Clinton looks on top of Leslie.’”
Millwee provided Breitbart News with an image of Clinton’s alleged signature on her reporter’s notebook. (see below)
Clinton’s alleged signature on Millwee’s reporter’s notebook
As part of Millwee’s work, she says that she edited her own stories in the small editing room.
Karen Pharis, who was Millwee’s assignments editor and later became KLMN TV’s acting News Director in Fort Smith, confirmed to Breitbart News that as a reporter Millwee edited her own footage in the editing room, which Pharis recalled as being a “tiny” and isolated room about the size of a bedroom walk-in closet.
Pharis confirmed that Millwee was a reporter at KLMN and that Millwee’s job “absolutely” included her conducting interviews with Bill Clinton.
Pharis said she does not remember Clinton coming to the station more than “maybe twice,” but she also said that she would not have always been present if Clinton was at the station.
Pharis said that she remembers Millwee leaving the station abruptly sometime around 1980, but she was not provided with a reason. Pharis said Millwee was a good employee and that she was surprised when Millwee departed.
Pharis said that Millwee did not tell her about her story with Clinton until about a year ago.
Pharis said she finds Millwee to be credible and that she has no reason to doubt Millwee’s story, explaining that it was a different climate in 1980 for female sexual assault accusers to go public or to tell their superiors about alleged assaults.
Pharis is currently the General Manager of the Fort Smith Radio Group, which operates five local radio stations.  She is also active in her local community, serving as the Secretary of the Van Buren Civil Service Commission; and is an Advisory Board Member of the Fort Smith Adult Education Center, and a Board Member of The Degen Foundation.
Pharis insisted that it is not unusual for there to be no video archives for KLMN TV, explaining that many times reporters would tape over the footage from the day before.
It was in that editing room, Millwee claims, that Clinton sexually assaulted her on three occasions.
She described the first alleged assault:
“…he followed me into an editing room. The first time I remember. That it was very small. There was a chair. I was sitting in a chair. He came up behind me and started rubbing my shoulders and running his hands down toward my breasts. And I was just stunned. I froze. I asked him to stop. He laughed.
“That happened on three occasions. And each time it escalated where the aggressive nature of his touch and what he was doing behind me escalated.”
She says that after the first alleged assault, Millwee told Clinton to not repeat the alleged inappropriate acts. She says Clinton laughed in response.
The second and third alleged assaults involved Clinton rubbing his genitalia against Millwee, she says.
The second time took place about a week later, according to Millwee. “He made a beeline immediately for me. I excused myself; went to the editing room.”
She continued:
“And he came in behind me. Started hunching me to the point that he had an orgasm. He’s trying to touch my breasts. And I’m just sitting there very stiffly, just waiting for him to leave me alone. And I’m asking him the whole time, ‘Please do not do this. Do not touch me. Do not hunch me. I do not want this.’
“And he finished doing what he was doing and he walked out.”
“He took out his private parts?” I asked.
“I do not know,” Millwee replied. “I did not see that. I could feel what he was doing from behind me. I do not know if he had taken, you know, private parts out. Or if he was doing it. I assumed he was doing it through material but I could be wrong.”
Millwee claims the second alleged assault lasted “probably three to five minutes. And I am asking him the whole time to please stop.”
On the third alleged occasion, Millwee claims that Clinton did “basically the same thing he did on the second time. Came in, hunched me from behind. Grabbing my shoulders, and you know, having an orgasm and then leaving.”
“I was crying,” Millwee added. “The third time it happened it was just so overwhelming. I waited a few minutes. I came out. I went into the ladies’ room. I was crying and very upset. And we had a lady that had a local show there and she actually came into the bathroom. An older lady. And she said, ‘Honey, what is wrong?’ And I said I just had a really bad experience and I don’t really want to talk about it. But I’m very upset.”
She said that she felt “trapped” in the editing room, and that she felt there was “nothing I could do to stop him once he started.”
I asked Millwee why she would go into the editing room three times if she purportedly knew that each time Clinton came to the station he would allegedly trap her in the editing room.
Millwee replied:
“For one thing, the first time he did not complete the sex act. It was more touching and fondling. The second time, I went in. I was stunned. And I believe the third time he was not even in the building when I went in to finish my story. If my memory serves me correctly he had gone into the television station and was seeking me out. ‘Where is Leslie?’ And in fact, like I said earlier I believed that it was somebody coming in to rush me along with the story. I didn’t even realize that he was in the building so I wouldn’t have thought that it was him that came in.”
Millwee claims that after the third alleged assault, Clinton showed up at her apartment while her grandmother was staying with her, knocked on her door and tried to get her to let him inside.  She says her grandmother was staying with her for weeks at a time because she says she felt that Clinton was getting out of hand and that made her afraid.
“He knocked on the door for probably five, ten minutes,” she said. “Knocking. Calling my name. Saying, ‘I know you are home. Please answer the door.’ I did not answer the door.”
Millwee says that for her, Clinton allegedly showing up at her apartment was “just the final straw and after staying up most of the night discussing it with my grandmother I decided then and there that I was going to leave the station.”
She says that she actually saw Clinton while covering the Oklahoma State Fair the next day and the two acted as if nothing had allegedly happened the night before.
Asked why she is speaking now, she stated, “I’m very comfortable where I am at now in life.”
Millwee continued:
“I almost came out during the Monica Lewinsky and Kathleen Willey situation. I watched that unfold a little bit. I was very prepared to go forward then and talk about it. And I watched the way the Clintons and Hillary slandered those women. Harassed them. Did unthinkable things to them. And I just did not want to be part of that. I had very small children at the time. I had a job in pharmaceuticals. It was a very conservative situation. I didn’t want to do anything to bring harm to my career. And my family.
“It was very scary watching all of that. And I’ve shared that with some of the other women that have been victims. I just didn’t want to go through that at the time. It was more about my kids than anything.”
Millwee explained that in 1980 the climate was different for female sexual assault accusers, and says that she didn’t tell many people immediately after the incident. She said that she told her mother and the grandmother who she says was present when Clinton allegedly knocked on her apartment door. She says she also told her current husband when they met in 1981.
Millwee said that she began to tell others around 1998, after the Lewinsky story broke.
Millwee told friends in the late 1990s
The three that Millwee told in the late 1990s are Fran Kaminsky, a friend and former co-worker; Angela Malaer, a friend and Millwee’s son’s fourth-grade teacher during the Lewinsky scandal; and Ronald Scott, a Houston-based retired lawyer.
“Leslie is one of the most frank, credible people I know,” said Scott. “She is not manipulative about what she says concerning people or events she is involved in. She tells it like it is.”
Scott describes himself as a steadfast advocate for Hillary Clinton and a small donor to her campaign.  In a phone interview, Scott had no kind words for Donald Trump. “I think Trump is an egomaniac who must not become president,” he said.
Malaer says that when Millwee first told her about the alleged incidents with Clinton, she remembers Millwee stating at the time that she didn’t want to go public.  “She thought it would be too stressful, too emotional” to go public, Malaer said.
Vetting Millwee
An issue with fully verifying Millwee’s claims is that despite extensive searches, Breitbart News was unable to track down any of her alleged interviews with Clinton or the now defunct KLMN-TV’s general archives.
Former station employees and current owners said they believe the archives no longer exist.  The Fort Smith Historical Society and the Archives of Public Communication at the University of Arkansas said they did not ay information on the existence of station archives, either.
The Fort Smith/Fayetteville station changed owners and affiliations at various point in its history. From 1978 to 1980, KLMN-TV was a CBS affiliate.
In 1980, KLMN-TV swapped affiliations with KFSM-TV and became an NBC affiliate. In 1982, KLMN-TV changed its call sign to KPOM-TV (People On the Move), a name it held until 2005.
KPOM continued to produce a news product from 1982 to 1990 but it went out of the news business from 1990 to 2000.
It reentered the news market as the Fox-affiliated KFTA, the sister-station to the NBC affiliate KNWA-TV.  Those stations were unable to establish the existence of any KLMN archives.
Getting the job
Meanwhile, Millwee did provide Breitbart News with copies of letters sent to the station thanking her for reports as well as a copy of her access document signed by the base security chief to enter the refugee area of Fort Chaffee.
And she recounted how she says she first got her job as a TV news reporter:
“I graduated a year early from high school – went to college while I was working for a professional soccer team in Tulsa (the Tulsa Roughnecks). I worked with the media there and had a lot of TV contacts. One of my contacts from Channel 8 KTUL TV told me there was a reporter opening in Arkansas and I should apply… I did and got offered the job on the spot.”
Book Inconsistencies
This is not the first time Millwee told her story in a public forum.  She wrote about some of her alleged experiences with Clinton in a January 2011 paperback book titled, You Can’t Make This Stuff Up!   The Clinton experiences were confined to a few paragraphs in one of the book’s chapters and was not the main subject matter of the book.   A blurb for the book stated, “A true Southern girl, Millwee examines life through the eyes of a child, as a young woman, and as a grown-up Southern belle who finally addresses why all things happen for a reason.”
The work was published by Tate Publishing, which describes itself as a “Christian-based, family-owned, mainline publishing organization with a mission to discover and market unknown authors.”
The book, which has zero reviews at Amazon as of this writing, was published with some grammar and copy errors.  Her claims in the book about Clinton received no news media attention at the time, and the book does not seem to have been marketed in a significant way.
In the book, Millwee only describes one alleged incident involving Clinton inappropriately touching her in the editing room and not the three alleged events that she detailed in the Breitbart interview.  In her book, Leslie claimed that Clinton cornered her in the editing room and touched her shoulder, but she did not mention anything about him allegedly touching her breasts or rubbing himself against her.
Asked to explain the seeming discrepancy, Millwee stated:
“I decided as I wrote and organized that I would not put anything that seemed sexual in nature, as far as details, etc. I wanted to put a book on the shelf that could be read by adults, or teens, or proudly tell people about it at church. This story is hugely important to me, but this venue didn’t seem the appropriate one to discuss details. The story was written in the context of helping others to understand the lack of a moral compass, compassion, and integrity. I feel I accomplished that without sharing specific details.”
Millwee claims in the book that Clinton had singled her out at the television station and that “everyone” in the newsroom teased her about it.  She also claimed that Clinton periodically stopped by the station.
Millwee wrote:
“I remember the first time everyone in the newsroom teased me about the governor. He was using our station periodically while making his regular trips to Ft. Chaffee, and he would walk in the room and greet us all. He approached me, patted me on the shoulder, and said, ‘How are you doing, pretty lady?’ I was so embarrassed and I am sure I turned a bright shade of red. I was keenly aware that he had approached me first, and was giving me some unwarranted attention.”
Millwee described one occasion of Clinton allegedly touching her in the editing room:
“I had been absorbed in editing my story for that day and the door had opened behind me. I didn’t even turn around. I was busy trying to finish, and just figured someone was trying to hurry me along. I was wrong. I didn’t hear anything, and was getting ready to turn around when I felt hands on my shoulders. Immediately, I knew it wasn’t one of my peers. I felt his hands rub across my shoulders. I knew it was the governor. I was so frozen I couldn’t turn around.
“He leaned toward the back of my head and asked, “How are you doing, pretty lady?” I didn’t move a muscle. I was petrified. Looking back, I don’t think he meant to scare or startle me like that; he realized I was uncomfortable, and was quick to try and smooth things over. He made some light conversation, talking a few more minutes, and walked out as quietly as he had entered.”
Millwee wrote that the alleged incident caused her to “dread” going back into the newsroom.
“I knew what everyone would think. I knew everyone would want to know what happened. I was told later he’d come into the station, asked if I was there, and they had directed him to the editing room. I was absolutely mortified. I hated everyone thinking that something had happened.”
In her book, Millwee related the story of Clinton allegedly showing up at her apartment, knocking on the door, calling her by the name and then departing.
She wrote that she saw Clinton the next day but she didn’t write where:
“I hoped he had gone back to Little Rock, and I wouldn’t see him the next day. As it turned out, I did see him. Absolutely nothing was said. No hint of impropriety, any comment or conversation. We were cordial and discussed relevant events that were pertinent to something I was working on. We made eye contact one time. I felt like he knew that I knew he had been there. I quickly averted my eyes. I was determined to dismiss the whole situation. I never said one word about it, nor did he. I was relieved things had played out the way they did. I was ecstatic my nanny had been there with me.”
Millwee further used the book to relate stories from when she was a reporter assigned from the station to cover the Cuban refugees housed at Fort Chaffee.
In one chapter, she wrote that around June 1, 1980 riots broke out at Fort Chaffee and that, according to her recollection, about 3,000 refugees had stormed the gates and the base was put on lockdown for a period of time.
The Fort Chaffee Task Force Resettlement Operation After Action Report documents300-400 demonstrators jumped the barriers May 26, 1980, and it relates other instances of rioting, with 300 to 400 attempting to leave the front gate on June 1, 1980, but they were repelled by State Police.
The Washington Post later put the number of rioters on June 1 at about 1,000.
In the book, Millwee wrote that President Jimmy Carter visited Fort Chaffee. However, neither records nor news reports of Carter visiting could be found and the purported visit was not mentioned in the military’s After Action report, which did document numerous trips to Fort Chaffee by Clinton.
News reports document that when the rioting ran out of control, Carter sent a White House aide, Gene Eidenberg, who met with Clinton and federal agency representatives at Fort Chaffee.
In her book, Milwee says she took her grandmother to the fair with the promise of introducing her to Clinton, not the normal actions of a 20-year-old girl who was afraid of Clinton and says her grandmother was called in to protect her.
Asked to explain that part of the book, Millwee replied in an email follow up:
“Clinton was quite kind to my Grandmother. As upset as she was at his behavior toward me and recent events, she lived in a very different world that we live in today – sexual behavior like his was not discussed or usually, acknowledged. Certainly not in a public forum. Because of her association with me, he singled her out and talked to her and told her how happy he was to meet her. In spite of the circumstances, she was flattered that he had made an effort to greet her.
“My grandmother and I talked about it later that night, and many times over the years. We agreed his behavior was deplorable and unacceptable, but she believed the best way to handle a circumstance such as this was to take yourself away from the situation. While she respected the office he held, she did not condone his behavior toward me, but she would never have confronted him or taken action against him, either. She was a true lady in every sense of the word and that is just the way things were handled in her generation.”
Millwee’s claims seem to fit a larger pattern of Clinton’s alleged behavior.
Gennifer Flowers, who says she was Clinton’s mistress for 12 years, was a local television news reporter when Clinton first approached her in 1977.
Millwee’s story about Clinton allegedly showing up at her apartment fits with the larger story painted by Clinton’s rape accuser Juanita Broaddrick, who told this reporter that Clinton allegedly called Broaddrick’s office for weeks after the alleged rape in an attempt to meet her again.
Also, Paula Jones stated on this reporter’s radio program last February that Clinton and his surrogates repeatedly propositioned her after their original infamous alleged encounter on May 8, 1991.
 Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.

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